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Common Hazards of Tree Trimming and How Experts Avoid Them

Tree trimming is a necessary part of home maintenance, but it comes with certain risks. That’s why it’s best to leave it up to the experts. Professional tree trimmers are familiar with the common hazards of their work and how to minimize them. Here are some of the most common risks associated with tree trimming and what the professionals do to prevent them.

Falling Branches

After making a cut, a limb or branch may detach from the tree and fall. This is an inherent part of the job, but it can cause damage to people and property without the right precautions. Professional tree trimmers are trained to anticipate when branches will break and can control their position and direction before taking a cut. They also wear hard hats and other protective gear to minimize the risk of being injured by a falling branch. In addition, they may close off the area and place barriers to ensure that no bystanders are in harm’s way.

Height Risk

Some trees are tall enough that it’s necessary to climb them to make the desired cuts. This can be dangerous if the proper precautions are not taken as a fall from that height could result in serious injury or death. Professional tree trimmers use safety equipment, such as climbing harnesses and ropes, to minimize the risk of falling. Particularly tall trees may require the use of special cranes or lifts to safely reach the high branches.

Weak Spots

Climbing and cutting branches involves placing weight on the tree, which can cause it to suddenly break in spots where the wood is already weak. This can be prevented by recognizing signs of weakened wood, such as rot or cracked bark. Professional trimmers are trained to examine trees for these types of weaknesses before beginning work and then making sure that the weight is evenly distributed when climbing.

Power Lines

Tree branches close to power lines need to be cut with extra caution. If a branch falls on the line, it can cause sparks and potentially start a fire. Experienced tree trimmers are aware of this risk and take extra precautions when cutting these branches. In some cases, they may call the power company to temporarily shut off the line while they work.

Injury From Tools

Trimming trees requires the use of various heavy-duty tools, such as chainsaws, pole saws, and pruning shears. These tools can cause serious injury if used incorrectly. Professional arborists are trained in the safe operation and maintenance of these tools, so they can use them effectively while minimizing the risk of injuring themselves or anyone else.

The risks associated with tree trimming make it a job better left to the experts. With their help, you can reap the benefits of a well-maintained tree without worry. Schedule an appointment for professional tree trimming and pruning today by contacting Curtis Point Tree Service in Spokane, WA.

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