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An electric chainsaw is being used to cut down a tree

Why Tree Removal Belongs on Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

The first glimpse of autumn leaves is one of the most anticipated sights every year, but for some homeowners, fall is the time to consider removing trees from their property. While they may still produce beautiful leaves during this season, damaged trees pose a risk to your home and safety, so you need a professional tree service to remove them.

What Sort of Damage Requires Tree Removal?

Some tree damage is harmless, and you can allow the tree to stay in place and repair itself. In other cases, damage may be beyond help, and you’ll want to enlist the services of a tree removal company to remove the branches, trunk, and roots from your property.

Signs of tree damage that warrant removal include:

  • A hollow trunk, which can weaken the tree and cause it to fall
  • More than 25% dead branches
  • Leaning too much to one side
  • Fungal growth that may indicate rot
  • Vertical cracks in the trunk
  • Severe trunk damage
  • Parts of the tree that are partially broken or cracked

Any of these signs is a good reason to get in touch with a tree removal company near you. Professional arborists can help determine whether the tree is reparable or if it’s best to remove it from the property.

Why Fall Is the Best Time to Remove Damaged Trees

As the weather cools, it’s important to note how seasonal shifts can affect trees. In the fall, more rainfall and higher winds can pose additional threats to weak trees. A strong gust or storm could cause branches to snap off, and weakened trunks could collapse altogether.

Fall also causes trees to lose their leaves, attracting more pests. If a tree is rotting or hollow inside, these pests can take up residence there, and ultimately damage your yard and make their way inside your home.

Another reason why fall is a great time for tree removal is increased visibility. As the canopy of leaves changes and eventually falls to the ground, it’s easier to examine the branches and determine which ones need to be removed.

Also, having old or dead trees removed in the fall can help you avoid the risks of them falling or breaking more when winter comes.

Schedule Tree Removal Service With Us Today

If you have a concern about a tree on your property, reach out to our team of tree experts at Curtis Point Tree Service for tree removal in Spokane, WA. Call us today to request a free estimate.

Contact our team of tree experts to schedule a service today!