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gardener pruning fruit tree brunches with pruning shears

Spring Tree Care Guide for Homeowners

Spring is a critical season for trees as they awaken from their winter slumber and prepare for the growing season ahead. It’s important to take care of your trees during this time to ensure they remain healthy and strong throughout the summer and beyond. Here are some spring tree care tips to help you keep your trees in top condition.

Inspect for Damage

Winter weather can take a toll on trees, and inspecting them for any signs of damage is important. Look for broken or damaged branches, cracks in the trunk, and any signs of disease or insect infestations. Prune any damaged or dead branches, and consult an arborist if you notice any signs of disease or insect damage.


Spring is when trees are actively growing and need adequate water to support their growth. Watering your trees regularly is important, especially if there is little rainfall. Trees need about one inch of water per week from rainfall or irrigation. Water deeply and slowly to encourage deep root growth.


Trees need nutrients to support their growth, and fertilizing in the spring can give them the boost they need. Use a slow-release fertilizer to ensure a steady supply of nutrients throughout the growing season. Apply fertilizer around the tree’s drip line, which is the area directly below the outermost branches.


Mulching around your trees’ bases can help conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Apply a layer of mulch two to four inches deep around the base of your trees, being careful not to pile the mulch up against the trunk. Leave a small gap between the mulch and the trunk to prevent moisture buildup and potential damage.


Pruning in the spring can help to shape your trees, remove dead or damaged branches, and improve their overall health. Prune when the tree is still dormant before new growth begins. Avoid pruning during the summer when the tree is actively growing since this can stress the tree and make it more susceptible to disease and insect damage.

Pest Control

Spring is when many pests and insects start to become active, and taking steps to control them before they can cause damage is important. Inspect your trees regularly for signs of insect infestations, such as holes in the bark, sawdust, or webbing.

Disease Prevention

Spring is also a time when many tree diseases become active, and taking steps to prevent them from spreading is important. Keep your trees healthy by providing adequate water and nutrients, and prune them regularly to remove dead or diseased branches. If you notice any signs of disease, such as discoloration or spots on the leaves, consult with an arborist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Schedule an Appoint

Taking care of your trees in the spring is essential for their overall health and longevity. Regular inspections, watering, fertilizing, mulching, pruning, pest control, and disease prevention are all important steps in ensuring your trees remain healthy and strong throughout the summer and beyond. With proper care, your trees can provide beauty, shade, and enjoyment for many years. Contact our tree service experts at Curtis Point Tree Service in Spokane, WA; we are here to help.

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