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Worker trims trees

Tree Trimming Helps Prevent Pest Infestations and Diseases

Along with keeping your trees healthy, tree trimming an essential component of pest control. Diseased or dying branches can attract a variety of pests, some of which carry diseases. Removing these branches can reduce the chances of an infestation.

Tree Trimming and Pest Control

Tree inspection services help to identify the potential for the tree to become infested or marred by diseases. Tree trimming services will dramatically reduce the risk of an infestation by one of the many pests that seek a warm place to build a nest during the coldest months of the year. In addition to tree trimming, you might need to remove diseased branches, infected limbs or dying branches.

Here is a summary of the benefits of tree trimming:

  • Prevent infestations
  • Promote healthy trees
  • Improve circulation of air and access to sunlight

Tree trimming prevents infestations. Many pests will seek the warmth and moisture of a tree with fungal or mildew damage when it’s time to lay their eggs. They might even migrate from one damaged tree to another, increasing the risk that the infestation might spread to other trees. The entire area could be at risk if an infestation takes root in one tree, so the tree trimming procedure should include as many trees in the vicinity as possible.

Pest control is essential to promoting healthy trees that can develop naturally. However, there are many insects, bugs, beetles, worms and other pests that feed on parts of the tree. These may include the leaves, branches and bark. Moisture and mildew can also depress the immunity of the tree, which makes it susceptible to different kinds of pest infestations.

Trimming the tree branches improves the air circulation trees need to grow in a healthy manner. It also prevents various infections by distributing the correct amount of sunlight throughout the foliage. This will enhance photosynthesis and keep air flowing freely through all parts of the tree.

Moisture can also collect on the branches of your trees, promoting fungal disease. Reduce the amount of moisture in the trees by having the branches trimmed on a regular basis. At the same time, you can increase the amount of sunlight the trees get when you keep the branches trimmed.

Tree Service in Peoria, IL

Our service professionals can monitor your trees to detect various pests. We can also stay alert for signs that could invite an infestation in this preventive inspection. Contact our team at Curtis Point Tree Service to get expert tree trimming for your home or business in Spokane, WA. Contact us today for a quote.

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